Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday #4 | Book Pet Peeves

  1. Cracking the spine.
  2. Making it look not read.  Do you know what I mean?  The best kind of books are the ones that look loved: dog-eared, written in, things are highlighted and annotated.  I don't like seeing books on people's bookshelves that don't look loved.  Every book deserves to be loved!  Book equality!
  3. Bashing a book you haven't read.
  4. Arguing with someone about a book that's left up to interpretation in a condescending way (That one tends to come up in class a lot.  Just stop).
  5. When someone "borrows" a book from you and you never see it again.  You know who you are.
  6. Complaining about reading a good book just because it's for school.
  7. Not putting books back on the shelf in libraries.  I mean come on, the shelves are right there.
  8. Putting other books down in front of people who love those books.  Just don't.  Even if it's Twilight.  Okay...you might get a free pass if it's Twilight.
  9. Letting a book gather dust on your shelf.
  10. Ripping the pages of a book.
What are you worst book pet peeves?

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